About Us

About TLP Ministries
The Country

The Lord’s Prayer Outreach Center is in Liberia. It is near Monrovia, Liberia’s capital city.

Area: 111,370 sq km (1/6th the size of Alberta)
Population: 3,164,156
Unemployment rate: 85%

After 15 years of civil war and military dictatorship there are thousands of orphans who have been left without help.

Our Vision

God has called the Lord’s Prayer Outreach Association Inc. to care for the hurting lost children in war torn countries. At present our work is in Liberia, West Africa, but in time TLP will take this model of caring for children to other places in the world.

The goal is to train up children to become the next generation of leaders in their country. They are to multiply what has been entrusted to them in terms of education, mercy, grace and the gospel of Jesus Christ.


TLP Ministries

Make Cheques Payable To: The Lord’s Prayer

And mail to:

The Lord’s Prayer Outreach Assoc. Inc.
PO Box 24008 Regina, SK Canada
S4P 4J8

Randy Kehler (chairman) (204) 362-4286
or e-mail mail@tlpministries.org

A Canadian tax deductible receipt will be issued

Charitable status #87133 0825 RR0001

Only funds given through the above address can be receipted. Contributions made with the understanding that TLP has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.